Consulting Services
As a consulting company offering its services to the research sphere at large, BlindSight GmbH has to be a specialist as much as a generalist. And we are. While we offer consulting services in three distinct areas, it is primarily the needs of our clients in these areas that differ, while our offerings are always based on the same broad and deep experience in experimental methods development and implementation - for all three areas alike...

Biosignal Methods Consulting
Today, many good software packages are available to help with routine biosignal analysis procedures.
However, excellence in scientific work does not lie in what is routinely being done, but in that which is new, exciting and possibly has not been done at all.
With more than a decade at the forefront of EEG methods design and development and also in the EEG/fMRI field we know exactly what it takes to find and implement the algorithms and methods that will help you get the most out of your data.
From defining the correct analysis steps up to the design and implementation of custom offline or real time analytical and acquisition routines that chart new courses in EEG, fMRI and general biosignal analysis research - We can help you get it done.
Clinical Trials Consulting
Clinical trials typically involve pharmacodynamic (PD) measurements, mostly EEG, but sometimes also electrophysiological measurements such as EKG, EMG, Respiration and EDA. And classically, the major goal of these PD measurements has been to test for adverse effects at the CNS or peripheral level.
But with an ever increasing need to show presence or lack of clinical efficacy of a substance as early as possible, PD paradigms today have to be much more sophisticated and need to be designed as true deci- sion experiments that allow a clear yes/no verdict.
This is what we help our clients achieve: With more than 14 years of Clinical Trials experience and more than 30 years of experience in experimental design, we help our clients get the most out of their data with the least experimental effort, time and cost.
Experimental Methods Consulting

Experimental designs should be simple, yet refined and they must only measure what is to be tested.
In other words, experimental methods must be "to the point", both operationally and methodologically.
Sadly, this is far from trivial, since the efficacy and also the accuracy of any experiment depends on many factors such as timing and timing control, stimulus appropriateness and delivery, subject interaction and response input, synchronization and information exchange in interfacing with other devices.
We routinely work with many different experimental stimulation packages such as E-Prime, NBS Presenta- tion, SuperLab, ... and we know the strengths and weaknesses of them all. This allows us to choose exactly the software and methods that fit your bill.